Prints for Framing

emolduramento de vestes

Prints for Framing 

We offer a huge variety of frames of all styles and materials that, certainly, will fill your requirements. We have different types in silver, gold or roots of walnut, among others.

The frames can be assembled by us or supplied in moulding.

We also provide the bars that stretch and support the canvas for paintings, portrait and reproductions  in any size  with  3x4, 2x6 or 2x4..

Besides, we make professional canvas stretching at good price and exceptional quality. Thus, the client may choose to buy only the  bars or the paintings can be stretched, set in one of our frame and shipped ready to hang.

We also have showcases for exhibition of collections of coins, or to place small objects in focus on a wall.

We work with the best national and foreign suppliers, to provide a huge variety of Prints and Frames solutions.

We profissionaly frame any kind  of  paintings, photographs, decorative fabrics, diplomas, etc. 

If you would like to discuss high quality framing using the best local and imported mouldings please feel free tocontact us.

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